Satisfied customers
First-rate solutions and personal service
Customer satisfaction with our services has grown in recent years. This is reflected in surveys Gallup performs for the Bank and in the fact that Landsbankinn was ranked highest by banking customers in the Icelandic Performance Satisfaction Index 2020.
Our customers are more satisfied.
We endeavour to simplify life for our customers and offer outstanding banking service when they need it. Ranking highest by banking customers in the Icelandic Performance Satisfaction Index 2020, the second year in a row, was a welcome recognition.
Smarter banking service
We aim to simplify life for our customers, taking the initiative to offer the services best suited to each and every one. We do this both by developing simple and accessible solutions that customers can access at any time and by utilising data to provide customers with personal and professional advice.
Personal banking
We are unique in that while our customers enjoy access to first-rate digital solutions that enable them to tend to almost all banking business, we also offer quality personal advice and services to customers around Iceland.
Corporate banking
When the business activities, plans and goals of thousands of customers were upset in the beginning of 2020, we needed to act quickly to adapt our operation and service to changed circumstances.
Asset management and capital markets
Landsbankinn and Landsbréf, the Bank’s subsidiary, offer universal services in capital market transactions, corporate finance, asset management and brokering services, both here in Iceland and abroad. Our aim is to provide first-rate and reliable service, guided by the tenets of responsible investment.
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